The Five “R”s to Maximize Fitness

written by Elizabete Gomes, HCO member and Clinical Nutritionist ~

If you are too tired to engage in physical activities or exhausted by easy exercise, your body might not be getting the support it needs.  Exercise should enhance your sense of wellness, not deplete you. The tips below are are intended to increase your energy for exercising, improve your fitness and enhance your sense of well being, during and after physical activity.


All of us are exposed to toxins, everything from environmental pollution to additives and preservatives in foods, not to mention skin products and cleaning chemicals. They add up over time and cause Read More Here…


Fitness requires the ability to exercise regularly. To do so, you need strong bones, joints, ligaments and tendons to support the demands of fitness activity. It is of great importance that you Read More Here…


Food and vitamins are not the only things your body needs when engaging in physical activity. Adequate hydration has become more complex as our water doesn’t come from a fresh spring. You might be drinking plenty of water and not Read More Here…


Exercise puts a high demand on the body; repair is a natural process. Supporting your body to do the necessary repairs is fundamental if you want to avoid Read More Here…


Besides adequate nutrition, vitamins and supplements, there is one thing that will make a huge difference in your ability to exercise, improve endurance and get you to recovery quickly. It will also help Read More Here…

Elizabete is the owner of Well Life Place in Austin, Texas. Visit to see more.